Sexually curious adults can learn how to enjoy bedroom bondage in an easy step-by-step fashion while still being tasteful, playful, and authentic

Rope bondage is not just about tying someone up; it is an opportunity for sensuality, creativity, playfulness, connection, and passion. Bondage artist and educator Lee Harrington takes you on a journey through easy step-by-step ties and exercises for bringing you and your partner closer together through this beautiful art form. The second book in the Shibari You Can Use series, More Shibari You Can Use picks up where the first book left off, with all new ties in a playful, down-to-earth, and engaging voice. But it’s about more than the bondage. This time you also get a chance to connect more with your partner through a variety of exercises that explore touch, dominance and submission, intimacy, and trust. With beautifully shot images by RiggerJay, this guide offers intermediate techniques for those ready for a challenge, broken down into clear directions for new and experienced “riggers” alike. Find techniques for learning rope bondage negotiation, speed restraint (Texas handcuffs and speed-release corsets), intricate confinement (the reverse box tie and the woven head cage), beautiful erotic rope (from the Triskelion crotch rope to the floral chest harness), and much more. Are you ready to have fun? To deepen your connection with your partner? To create beautiful artwork woven on the human form? To add some spice to your erotic life? Now is your chance. Set aside your concerns about tying someone up, grab this book and some rope, and learn passionate rope bondage for an intimate connection.
绳索束缚不仅仅是将人捆绑起来,而是将人捆绑起来。这是一个展现性感、创造力、乐趣、联系和激情的机会。束缚艺术家兼教育家李·哈灵顿(Lee Harrington)将带您踏上一段简单的一步一步的束缚和练习之旅,通过这种美丽的艺术形式让您和您的伴侣更加紧密地联系在一起。 《Shibari You Can Use》系列的第二本书《More Shibari You Can Use》从第一本书的结尾开始,以有趣、务实且引人入胜的声音呈现所有新的联系。但这不仅仅是束缚。这次,您还有机会通过各种探索触摸、支配和服从、亲密和信任的练习与您的伴侣建立更多联系。本指南通过 RiggerJay 拍摄的精美图像,为那些准备好迎接挑战的人提供了中级技术,并为新手和经验丰富的“装备工”等细分为清晰的方向。寻找学习绳索束缚协商、速度限制(德克萨斯手铐和快速释放紧身胸衣)、复杂限制(反向盒式领带和编织头笼)、美丽的情色绳索(从 Triskelion 胯部绳索到花卉胸带)的技巧,以及更多。你准备好享受乐趣了吗?为了加深与伴侣的联系?创造出编织在人体上的美丽艺术品?为您的性爱生活增添一些情趣?现在是你的机会。抛开你对捆绑某人的担忧,拿起这本书和一些绳子,学习充满激情的绳索束缚,建立亲密的联系。


Categories: 类别:Self-Help, Relationships & Lifestyle – Sexuality自助、人际关系和生活方式 – 性
Year: 年:2015
Publisher: 出版商:Mystic Productions Press 神秘制作出版社
Language: 语言:English 英语
Pages: 页数:136
ISBN 10: 国际标准书号 10:0977872750
ISBN 13: 国际标准书号 13:9780977872756
File: 文件:PDF, 7.76 MB EPUB,7.76 MB 【20231006005】





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